In typography a typeface is also known as a font family is a set of one of more font used together that have a specific similarity of design . Meaning that they go well together in art or advertisement. The way that a font family is decided is by the designer who will contact various testing to decided which fonts go well together dependent on there shade size and spacing. They are then usually recorded as a specific font family that can be later used in another project.
I have been reasearching into various font families and I have to say that my favorites are square sans serif and geometric sans serif . I'm not very interested in the serifs fonts because they do not very appeal to me for my age . The way you use a font familie is dependent on the age you are trying to provide your project for . For example you wouldn't use a childish font familie on a magazine on gardening for the older generation . So really the way that you use the font familie is completely dependent on the audience age that you are providing your design, project , advertisement or art work for.
I have been reasearching into various font families and I have to say that my favorites are square sans serif and geometric sans serif . I'm not very interested in the serifs fonts because they do not very appeal to me for my age . The way you use a font familie is dependent on the age you are trying to provide your project for . For example you wouldn't use a childish font familie on a magazine on gardening for the older generation . So really the way that you use the font familie is completely dependent on the audience age that you are providing your design, project , advertisement or art work for.
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