The five themes of prodject connect

Project connect is  a system at Barnsley college focussing on five major factors of the college these include respect , responsibility, purpose, self development and consistency. Respect focussed on how you treat others and items around you for example we should respect our surrounding in the college , respect the opinions of other , respect differences in peels individuality and respect the rights of the others to an education.responsibility focuses on being responsible for my actions and behaviour and to aspire to the the best that they can, to be proud of my college, to love my learning and to encourage other to act responsible. Purpose focussed on developing as a person , gaining knowledge and skills, doing our best, being part of something that matters, becoming independent and being responsible member of society.Self development focuses on being part of the college communitshow respect of the needs of others and show aspiration and be willing to join in. Consistency focussed on promoting and supporting excellent behaviour, expecting t be apart of a fair and safe environment and expecting well defined standards of behaviour.
