This image shows some great typography they have used the typography in a promotions poster. I really like the way they have done this it looks really sophisticated and proffesional they have used a range of fonts, point sizes , spacing and have used a very delicate layout making it look appealing the the specific age of the auidence and making the capturing depth and perception to the poster making them want to scan every inch of detail that has been put onto the page. They have not over crowded the image and have use great colour contrasts with the black and white making it stand out and look professional.
This peice of art used with typography has got really good potiental. They have used the correct colours that are eye catching to the auidence and they have used a good layout making the art look amazing and well thought out . Although they have repeated the same word in they art it is a good combination with all the different type faces , fonts , pointsize and spacing of all the letters. This is my favourite I seem to prefer the art over the promotional side of typography because it is really unexpected and moving
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